Save Lough Neagh

Lough Neagh is a national treasure, but it’s facing ongoing filthy pollution from animal to human waste. It’s causing toxic algae to bloom, killing animals like birds, fish and even dogs.

Larger than Malta, the lough is a vital ecosystem and provides almost half of our drinking water. Yet, Lough Neagh has faced environmental abuse for decades – how can this be? 

Lord Shaftesbury owns the lough bed, despite community calls to bring it back into public ownership. He’s failed in basic stewardship as have government and cross-border bodies. Thats why we're calling for a 5-point recovery plan for Lough Neagh. 

We need your help to show leaders that we demand better for Lough Neagh and all our waterways. Sign the petition to leaders in Northern Ireland now.  

  • Lough Neagh needs an independent Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Lough Neagh needs to be acquired by the government from the Earl of Shaftesbury, with community ownership and rights of nature enshrined.
  • Lough Neagh needs a Citizen’s Assembly.
  • Lough Neagh needs a breathing space – no more factory farms, a moratorium on sand dredging and investment in sewage infrastructure.
  • Lough Neagh needs transparency - every group with an interest in Lough Neagh must declare that interest and every conflict of interest must be on the table.
  • Thomas M 22.02.2025 12:53
  • Eibhlín d B 20.02.2025 16:55
  • Shirley C 19.02.2025 14:56
  • Susan J 18.02.2025 13:43
  • Ciaran M 18.02.2025 12:59
  • David S 18.02.2025 12:47