Save our rights to save the planet

Our rights to demand urgent climate action are under threat.  

The government has passed a series of draconian new laws that will have a chilling effect on peaceful protest and restrict free speech, making it much harder to win the changes we need to protect our planet.    

It’s not just our right to protest that’s at risk. All our human rights and freedoms are under threat.    

The Human Rights Act and our membership of the European Convention of Human Rights protect us all from abuses of power by the state. From the right to a fair trial and privacy, to family life and free speech. But some in the Conservative Party, including senior ministers, are calling for these rights to be ripped up.   

This would impact us all, but especially those already facing marginalisation, including people of colour, LGBT+ people, disabled people, migrants and asylum seekers.   

We must stand up for people – all people – and the planet. That means fighting climate breakdown and injustice at every turn.     

We call on all political parties to repeal these repressive laws and reaffirm their commitment to human rights. If you agree, help us defend the laws that protect us and our right to stand up for the planet.     

Take a stand and add your name today.  

  • Aly M 18.07.2024 15:52
  • James M 24.06.2024 17:08
  • JV S 31.05.2024 17:31
  • Abigail S 30.05.2024 16:46
  • David W 24.05.2024 21:06
  • sarah p 24.05.2024 09:34