Tell David Lammy: full arms embargo on Israel now

URGENT: David Lammy, our new foreign secretary, has suspended just a tiny fraction of arms exports to Israel. Now is a critical time for us to act in solidarity with Friends of the Earth Palestine (PENGON). 
The suspension does not go nearly far enough. There must be a full arms embargo. We cannot continue to be complicit in what the International Court of Justice says may be genocide.
UK weapons will still be contributing to immense human suffering in Gaza. And off-the-scale environmental destruction. This has to stop.

Please email David Lammy and his ministers. Demand real action for a full ceasefire and arms embargo now. 

  • Jamie O 12.09.2024 20:23
  • Shane M 12.09.2024 19:33
  • Alleluia S 12.09.2024 04:00
  • Victoria F 11.09.2024 23:39
  • Sheila L 11.09.2024 16:43
  • Logan A 11.09.2024 16:13